Baby and Beach Gear Rentals for Vistors to Martha's Vineyard

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How It Works
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Make your trip safe and easy with delivery of  high quality items for beach and baby. Beach and baby gear is our full time specialty to make your trip safe and easy! Most deliveries happen between 10 and 3 and you do not need to be home.  Cribs arrive fully assembled, slightly folded, and set up in about a minute; no tools needed!

We deliver to all six Martha's Vineyard towns. 

Chappaquiddick visitors collect their items at the ferry landing on the Edgartown side. 

*Rental Minimum is 1 night* 

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 A $25  island-wide flat delivery fee will appear on orders as "shipping". Adding to an existing order? Email us, call us, or use code from your confirmation to prevent duplicate fees.


If you're like me, you are wondering: “How do I know this stuff is really clean?” Here is what we do:

 Check and follow CDC and hospital protocols for cleaning items

 We aim to sanitize every surface twice

 Take apart, wash, sanitize, rinse, clean and re-sanitize our beach and baby gear.                       With babies, every surface is high touch (even high taste!) so we clean with that in mind.

For same-day delivery order online before 9 AM
